About Art Outdoors

Art Outdoors is the perfect combination of immersing yourself in nature and unleashing your creativity. Combine your love of the outdoors with your interest in art and enjoy peace and tranquillity as you get lost in the moment while you work on your masterpiece.

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Step by Step tuition makes it easy for you to express your creativity and individuality.  Immerse yourself in the surroundings and find your inner artist!

Our skilled artist will guide you through step by step including composition, colour mixing, techniques and more. You will love the relaxation of being in the outdoors whilst you soak up the atmosphere. Our class sizes are small, provide individual attention and every participant will be guided to create their own unique piece of art.  

Bird not included!

Bird not included!

We provide everything you need:

  • Portable ‘en plein air’ box art easels.

  • For acrylic painting sessions – stretched canvas, acrylic paints, palette and brushes.

  • For pastel sessions - quality Colourfix pastel paper (or similar), pastels, accessories, fixative and optional frame to display your finished work.

  • For watercolour sessions – quality 300gsm watercolour paper, watercolour paints , palette, brushes and optional frame to display your finished work.

  • Morning or afternoon tea (unless specified otherwise in the case of special events).

  • The artwork you create is yours to take home!

Inspiring locations . . .

We carefully select beautiful locations to give you the ultimate en plein air painting experience.

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What sets us apart?

Art Outdoors classes are small and participants produce their own unique picture, not just one mass-produced image.  We help you choose an individual interpretation at each location and give you tuition and advice on composition, colour mixing, techniques and more.  We make it easy for you by providing all the materials you need. You will be guided through the steps to create a truly unique masterpiece that is yours to take home.

Come by yourself, bring a friend or friends!  You can even choose from our different locations and book your own exclusive Art Outdoors session for your friends or work colleagues.

About Us


Louise Collier

For the past ten plus years I have been teaching art.  I am very appreciative of the opportunity to do this as I enjoy sharing my knowledge, satisfaction and joy of personally creating an artwork. As a lover of the great outdoors, Art Outdoors presents the perfect way to immerse myself in both art and nature.

Art for me is an expression of appreciation for the beauty of everything and can capture moments in time that are good to remember.  I experiment across different genres and mediums that include landscapes, portraiture, life/figure drawing and whilst I personally work mostly with oils, I also use many other mediums including acrylics, resin, pastels, watercolour, charcoal, ink and pencil. See more on my website.